CPM-9 – 9. Internationaler Workshop “Characterization of Porous Materials: from Angstroms to Millimeters”

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The CPM International Workshop, chaired by Prof. Alex Neimark (Rutgers University, USA) and Prof. Matthias Thommes (University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany),  is the major tri-annual event in the adsorption and porous materials communities that is held in the USA, which will take place from May 19 to 21, 2024. Designed to serve as a bridge between academics and industrial scientists, CPM meetings are distinguished for their high-quality, interdisciplinary program, interactive style of presentations, and vivid discussions. With the participants representing 18 countries from five continents, CPM-9 is one of the central international events in the subject area in 2024.

The CPM-9 program features 9 invited keynote lectures, 37 oral presentations, and 70 posters, which address topical problems in the experimental, theoretical, and simulation methods of characterization of structural, transport, and functional properties of porous materials of various origins.

The group of Prof. Thommes will have three presentation at the CPM-9 conference:  Dr. Carlos Cuadrado Collados will give a lecture with the tile:  “Quantitative Assessment of Hydrophilicity/Hydrophobicity in Nanoporous Materials” (authors: Carlos Cuadrado Collados, Christoph Huber, Jakob Söllner, Jan-Paul Grass, Alexandra Inayat, Rustam Durdyyev, Ana-Sunčana Smith, Dorothea Wisser, Martin Hartmann, Matthias Thommes).

Carola Schlumberger will talk about “Advanced Textural and Surface Chemistry Characterization by Combining Adsorption and Liquid Intrusion with NMR Relaxometry” (authors: Carola Schlumberger, Carlos Cuadrado Collados, Jakob Söllner, Lukas Sandner, Jincheng Xu, Matthias Thommes).

Jakob Söllner will present a poster on the topic “Development and application of an advanced percolation model for pore network characterization by physical adsorption” (authors: Jakob Söllner, Alexander Neimark, Matthias Thommes)

Venue: Opal Grand Oceanfront Resort, Delray Beach, Florida, USA
Dates: May 19-21, 2024
More information: https://cpm9.rutgers.edu/
Conference Inquiries:  cmp9.info@rutgers.edu
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Alex Neimark (aneimark@rutgers.edu), Prof. Dr. Matthias Thommes (matthias.thommes@fau.de)

The conference flyer can be found here.